In total, Qatar authorities seized 144 fake FIFA World Cup medals. The Intellectual Property Protection Committee worked with the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation’s Economic and Cyber Crimes Combating Department to carry out the operation.
According to the Ministry of Interior, the infraction is in accordance with Law No. 10 of 2021 on the preparations for hosting the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022.
In a statement, the Ministry stated that it got information regarding a website which sells counterfeit FIFA World Cup trophies. The accused were then reached after intensifying search and investigation.
Several counterfeit trophies were found in the possession of the violators and legal measures were taken.
Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) has been publishing several awareness messages regarding the use of intellectual property rights related to the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, without obtaining prior written consent.
In addition, the Ministry of Interior and the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy will keep working with FIFA to spread awareness of the intellectual property rights associated with the competition.
In order to avoid facing legal repercussions, the authorities also exhort everyone to follow the rules and laws governing intellectual property and to respect the rights of others.
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