A trained chef named Renee Chuks began experimenting with producing pasta from cassava in her Lagos kitchen in 2020, during a coronavirus pandemic that caused Nigeria to go into lockdown.
She produces hand-made pasta flavored with herbs using locally grown crops like cassava and plantain, which she now sells through her business, Aldente Africa, which she founded two years ago.
According to her, Aldente Africa was one of the first businesses to produce gluten-free pasta in Nigeria. Cassava, a root vegetable high in minerals and vitamin C, is one of the world’s most produced countries, and according to Chuks, Africa should utilize more of its homegrown crops to enhance food security on the continent.
“We took a closer look at ourselves, such as the things we use on a daily basis. Since cassava is one of our most important goods, we thought we should start there and move on from there if we have success with it “Chuks told Reuters from the Lagos office of her business.
She also utilizes fonio, a little grain crop originating in West Africa, which she infuses with regional herbs and vegetables to give some of her pasta a pinkish or green hue.
Her goods follow a global movement toward plant-based diets. With stylish packaging and prices ranging between $2 and $5 per pack of pasta, they currently serve a very affluent clientele.
Nigerians frequently eat wheat-based pasta, therefore Chuks believes there is a large demand for her substitute products, which she sells online and in health stores.
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