Those who wish to visit the embassy in the next groups please read the below information and use the Link…/1FAIpQLSf68WvLk2t…/viewform… to register with UGACOQ.
Embassy Of Uganda in Qatar is calling for Ugandans in Qatar, be those working or those here for studies, tourists to have a sense of responsibility with knowing their EMBASSY under the theme; KNOW YOUR EMBASSY. Which is an program of the embassy in combination with Ugandan Community in Qatar
As you much well know that we can’t have everyone at the embassy at the same time. We will apply for attendance in advance via the Google document shared and the community will publish a list as for the first group will be attending the program on 17th June 2022 and the other groups will follow.
Kindly register as it will be based on first come first serve.
And those who can go visit the Embassy on an official individual basis, please do so as well.
KNOW YOUR EMBASSY program will be running on Fridays as to give a chance to many people who have their Friday as their day off.
Looking forward to seeing you at the embassy.
If you have any inquiries, questions or comments or any kind of assistance you need from the Embassy. Be ready to hear directly from the Embassy officials.

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