Ethiopian community members should strengthen their role in order to advance the bilateral relationship between Ethiopia and Qatar.
June 14 2014 (EZA) It has been stated that the role of Ethiopian community members in Ethiopia should continue to be strengthened in order to increase the bilateral relationship between Qatar and Ethiopia.
The second year since its establishment has graduated the second round of Ethiopian international school in Doha Qatar.
Ambassador Faisal Ali, who was present at this students graduation program, said that the mission has built the school with the permission of the Qatar government so that our citizens in the country can get access to education that is compatible with their income capacity.
The contribution he has made by preparing the school for service and arranging it with equipment has laid a great foundation on the historical education and public relations chapter of the two countries.
Ambassador Faisal has stated that the community members who fought hard to make the school a reality played a role.
He explained that it is necessary to work to improve the overall relationship between the two countries and increase our benefit.
Parents have realized that the school is not only an accessible and reliable source of knowledge for Ethiopians, parents should play their role by sending their students to this school and working closely with the school board administration.
It has been stated that the role of Ethiopian community members in the country should be strengthened in order to improve the overall relationship between Qatar and Ethiopia and to increase our benefit in all sectors.
FDRE’s special envoy in Qatar and ambassador full authority said that the establishment of the Ethiopian community international school in Doha has made its mark on the relationship between the two countries.
The school has graduated the students it trained for the second round.
Ethiopian International School, which is now on its second year since its establishment, is accepting Ethiopian students from 14 countries including infants to third grade students.
The school has graduated for the second round yesterday 31 students have completed their education. It is continuing to strengthen the teaching work for the next academic year and is registering students.
The FDRE Special Envoy and Ambassador Full Authority Faisal Ali, who attended the graduation ceremony of students, the mission answered the request to the Ethiopian government to get education that is suitable for their income capacity. The mission submitted this request to His Highness Sheikh Temim Bin Hamad Al Tani and his government also gave this education. Instead of allowing them to use a home Belay’s contribution by preparing the school for service and arranging it with equipment has laid a great foundation on the historical education and public relations chapter of the two countries.
Ambassador Faisal, who mentioned that the community members who fought hard to make the school a reality, has also emphasized that it is necessary to work together and increase our benefit in order to increase the overall relationship between the two countries.
His Excellency the ambassador reiterated that the government and the people of Qatar are grateful to the Ethiopian government for allowing us to use this school for free. The school is not only accessible and reliable source of knowledge for Ethiopians, but also a cultural and heritage center. Parents should also send their students to this school and also from the school board. Close up with d administration They have realized that they should play their part by working.
Ambassador Faisal congratulated the graduating students and the whole community members of the school for the educational institution to be in a position to achieve the national and national vision.
Mr. Aminu Nuru, the chairman of the school board, has said that the acceptance of new students plays an important role in the teaching process, especially in order to expand a payment system that is based on parents’ income capacity and interest. Due to the accessibility of Ethiopians, Ethiopians living in Dohana and around it have advised that the school should be expanded to enroll many new students.
The school’s head teacher Mr. Abdul Basit Jemal has announced that the school which was started last school year by graduating 9 KG students is able to graduate 31 students this school year. Due to Covid 19, students will be able to graduate from (blended teaching style) learning) to Since they went back to page for page learning, they also said that it has not been possible for them to develop their skills and skills to qualify them for the next level.
With the removal of restrictions on activities related to Covid pandemic in the coming school year, students will gain knowledge and skills and the platforms where they can get to know their country’s culture. It is said that the role of Ethiopian people living in the country should be strengthened to develop the relationship between Qatar and Ethiopia in all branches. In Qatari, the special envoy and ambassador and the full authority of the Federal Democratic Government of Ethiopia Mr. Faisal Aliyi said, the establishment of the international school for Ethiopian society in Doha shows the status and strength of the protest. Oh they said it shows the difference between the two countries.
The school has graduated the students of second grade yesterday.
In the 2nd year establishment at Doha Ethiopia International School, students of Ethiopian students up to 3rd grade including citizens from 14 countries are teaching students of Ethiopian curriculum. . The school graduated 31 students for the second round yesterday and the registration process is continuing for the next school year.
In this inauguration program, the Ambassador of full authority, Feisal Aliyi, who are living in Qatar, gave questions to our government and the honorable Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Amirri Qaxar government, they have prepared the school for free. This work has set a great foundation in relations between the two countries.
In addition to the establishment of the school, the role of Ethiopian society is the top. The ambassador of the school reiterated that the school has been providing necessary support to members of the school, founders and board of the school to achieve its vision.
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