The Central Municipal Council (CMC) has issued a number of recommendations addressed to the Public Works Authority (Ashghal) in co-ordination with the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy (SC) regarding the need to enhance the beautification of the country ahead of the upcoming FIFA World Cup 2022.
The council recommended the beautification of the roads leading to the venue of the events of the global event and its surroundings. Further, artistic and heritage touches on the buildings surrounding the events of the World Cup activities as well as public arenas and squares there. In addition, more awareness efforts should be made on the importance of maintaining the beautiful look of the country.
The council also issued a number of recommendations meant to increase the number of electric vehicles charging stations across the main roads and areas of the country and to create incentive for the users of such vehicles. The CMC asked the General Water and Electricity Corporation (Kahramaa) to speed up the process of increasing the number of charging stations at the land crossing port and the highways there to get ready to receive the visitors of Qatar during the FIFA World Cup 2022. This includes creating new charging posts at the petrol stations using the available spots there or the neighbouring empty spaces, and providing mobile charging stations until completing the solar powered sustainable stations network.
Further, the council recommended increasing the number of bus charging stations making them suitable and synchronised with their routes. In addition, special places should be allocated at the parking lots of shopping centres to charge electric vehicles. The council saw the need to make all the charging stations covered to protect them from the heat
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