At the Cultural Village Foundation on Sunday night, the Atlas of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 was unveiled under the direction of HE Sheikh Dr. Thani bin Ali al-Thani, the book’s editorial board chairman (Katara).
HE Dr. Hamad bin Abdulaziz al-Kawari, Minister of State and President of the Qatar National Library (QNL), as well as a number of ambassadors from the countries competing in the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, were present at the occasion.
HE Dr. al-Kawari stated during the inaugural address that this atlas is deserving of celebration and needs to be kept in every home, library, and by every person because it not only is educational but also includes all of the World Cup participating nations.
He stressed the necessity and importance of documenting and recording every single detail, and praised the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy (SC), due to its awareness of the significance of the moment, pointing out that whether by voice, image or writing, documentation passes down a legacy and record for future generations and their pride.
HE Dr al-Kawari said that the library is working on a programme to document the history of Qatar and record the testimonies of the men and women who contributed to writing this bright history that every Qatari is proud of.
HE Sheikh Dr Thani bin Ali al-Thani said in a statement to QNA that the atlas contains geographic and general data about the nations taking part in the World Cup, as well as details about their national teams and their participation in prior competitions, as well as information about the World Cup, noting that this data is crucial as the nation makes preparations to host this international event.
He said that in addition to the World Cup stadiums, the book covered a wide range of subjects, including the most notable urban and cultural landmarks in Qatar, natural reserves, terrain, geography, infrastructures, and countless other projects.
The ambassadors in attendance were honored following the inauguration ceremony.
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