Tessema Temtime, announced on his Facebook page earlier this morning that in celebration of the 2022 World Cup, the annual painting exhibition will be held in Qatar International Art Festival.
His words:
Today, in celebration of the 2022 World Cup, the annual painting exhibition will be held in our step country Qatar International Art Festival by international artists from 82 countries, top officials of the country, Africa, Europe, Ethiopia, Ambassador Faisal Aliye and our first lady, my wife Lemle Belaynehna. We spent the day in the presence of my friends and children.
My country I am proud of you because you have given me a chance to raise your flag. May the exhibition be dedicated to my countrymen living in Qatar. Peace for our country peace for the world.
We had wonderful Qatar International Art Festival 2022.
Special thanks to Katara cultural Village MAPS International management and its team for professionally organized Art Festivals
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