
QBRI online seminar on promoting research visibility

Qatar Biomedical Research Institute (QBRI) at Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) is encouraging researchers to attend an online seminar titled ‘Digital Identification to Promote Research Visibility’ on June 28, from 1-2pm. The event, part of the QBRI Early Career Researchers Webinar series, will focus on the importance of digital identification for researchers to distinguish themselves and identify their research, scholarship, and innovation. It will highlight the features and best practice uses of a digital identifier developed by the research community to meet this need. ORCID – an Open Researcher and Contributor iD – was designed to help researchers identify and connect their contributions and affiliations across disciplines and borders over the span of their careers.
Nabil Ksibi, ORCID engagement lead at Global Consortia, will present a talk highlighting the unique features and utility of the identifier to increase research visibility. Scientists will be given the opportunity to engage and share their perspectives during the webinar, which will be moderated by Dr Adviti Naik Jana, postdoctoral researcher at the Translational Cancer and Immunity Center, QBRI.
Highlighting what scientists can gain from attending, Dr Jana said: “The webinar gives continuity to ongoing efforts at QBRI and HBKU to support our researchers to maximise the quality and societal impact of their work. Scientific staff spend a lot of time getting published, but also on carrying out peer review, seeking grants, and holding positions on journal editorial boards. They are also increasingly mobile, contributing to multidisciplinary, collaborative studies. Taking the time to make sure their work is recognised, visible, and easily discovered by peers can be an additional task to manage. We encourage researchers to join this talk and use the opportunity to learn how to take charge of this aspect of their professional lives.”
The seminar is open to all. For more information and to register, please visit

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